Saturday, 3 October 2009

Cynthia Lawrence John - What trends??

Heres Cynthia, looking her usual calm and cool self.
As Fashion Director of Volt Magazine and stylist to the likes of Pixie Lotte and VV Brown, she told me her personal style is ecclectic and understated. She likes to mix cool designer pieces with not obvious vintage. Say for example, an Ozzie Clarke dress with trainers. She tends to go for easy to wear, practicle pieces and hates things that keep moving around and have to be constantly reset. Aarrrghghgh! Even though she doesn't tend to wear colour herself, she loves colours on others and mixes it up. So....when she styles people she wants them to look cool but also like they didn't try to make too much of an effort cause she wants their personality to show through.

In her editorial work, Cynthia is inspired by films, books, plays and people. She doesn't like to just do a trend story. "Trends are cool but they date themselves really fast." Instead she uses her inspirations to rule the shoot and this allows the model's face and personality to come through. So you may find say, a military trend in the story but theres much more than that. Thats why she loves Vivienne Westwood, no real trends, she just does what she wants and you cant really tell what season it's from! Check out Cynthia's work in Volt magazine.
Volt Magazine

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